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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Looking up

So, now we're up to date on Brandon and his Vitality journey. I haven't bumped him up to four per day, and I don't know when I will yet. I have had lots of friends noticing the changes in Brandon and asking me about Vitality lately. I've decided to go ahead and journal his changes here tonight, even though I'm not changing his dose at the moment.

Dec.  5, 2012...

Brandon has made many changes in the last month. I am so happy that I decided to go back up to 3 pills per day, and see what could happen. Because the rewards have been great.

1. I gave him the Toys R Us and Target Christmas catalogs to make his wish list for Christmas. This is the first year he has not picked at least one toddler toy. He has chosen ALL age appropriate toys for his Christmas list. I cannot express the  excitement over this.

2. He is walking less on his toes, and his arms are swinging correctly when he walks.His body is moving more appropriately, and more agile. He has lost a total of seven pounds since starting Vitality...4 and a half months ago.

3. I can talk him out of a fit, if he is having one. If he is going into a full-on meltdown, I can help him get out of it most of the time. That is a first. He is gaining control of himself.

4. He is reminiscing. He is wanting to watch old DVDs and tapes of cartoons and movies he liked years ago. Or, he'll say something like "Mom, do you remember when we lived at the house with the playground and the big backyard, and I was crying. Dad carried me into the house and I was sad." We can then have a discussion about it, and he can give me insight on what he felt and why. It's amazing. He has been talking about his old friends from his pre-k days. We had weekly playgroups. These kids were always at my house, and he very rarely talked about them, unless we were planning a birthday. Now it's, "Mom, do you remember Adam? He was funny." I want to go to Houston and play with him one day." Wow.

5. He is playing differently, He's developing naturally, without my teaching. I don't know how to NOT teach something. He is my first born, that's the way I parent. I teach how to walk, climb, smile, recognize facial expressions, etc. I don't know how to process him learning on his own. It's new, and weird, and amazing. He's blossoming, and I'm being allowed to observe. It's beautiful.

6. On Thanksgiving, his cousin came to visit. They haven't seen each other since Easter. Way before B started Vitality. My brother asked him "Have you noticed anything different in Brandon?" His answer, "Yeah, he's much easier than he used to be." Ok, a twelve year old noticed, definitely not my imagination, lol!

The past 4 days have been one of the biggest regressive progressions yet. Fits. talking back, meltdowns, you name it. It was stressful, worrisome, and hard. At the same time that he was hard, I could see the improvements there. It was like he was two kids. One moving forward and one pulling up the rear. The one in the back was screwing with him, and dragging him down. I had to help him pull himself together, literally. LOL! I knew from past experience that he needed to push through. I couldn't back off the Vitality, he was on overload and could work through it. Tonight, he started coming out of it. I can see changes. The next entry will be even better. I just know it. :)

Take 2...

I had taken B down from 3 to 2 pills per day on Sept. 27th, due to fear and panic. He was regressing, and instead of seeing it as a developmental jump, I freaked out. I realized what happened, and decided to try again...

Nov. 8, 2012...

Things have evened out with Brandon, so I'm going to try 3 pills per day one more time. I'm hoping that it was just a regressive progression, and we can push through it. He's at a plateau, and I know he can advance more. I'm going to try.

A dip in the road

So, the Vitality train took off without a hitch, and was chugging along beautifully. My little man was making massive strides and beautiful progress. One week after bumping up from 2 to 3 pills per day, the train went off the rails...or so I thought. I freaked out, and here is my entry...

Sept. 27th, 2012...

B started on 3 Vitality per day a week ago. Things are not going so well. He is agitated, difficult, and moody. Everything is setting him off, and the girls can't even breathe without him blowing a gasket. I am ticking him off right and left. I was hoping it was a regression before the developmental jump. Today, he had a massive meltdown. He hasn't had one in so long, I couldn't even remember how to deal with it. Jason (my brother) was here, and he tried to help, but none of us could get him calmed down. I got him settled finally, and then decided that he wasn't ready for three yet. I'm taking back down to 2 tomorrow.

What I didn't know at the time, was that he was in a MAJOR regressive progression. If I had just waited, it probably would have evened out, but I panicked.

Brandon's Vitality Journal, entry #2

 Ok, I already added journal entry #1, now on to entry #2. Now, keep in mind that I don't write every day. I wrote in my journal the night before I went up one pill for him. By weight, he should be on 4 pills. Being the cautious mom that I am, I started him on one, waited, then moved to two. I have done that this whole time. This entry is the night before I started him on three pills, 6 weeks after putting him on two pills. I mentioned him eating more foods, some people don't know how incredibly picky he was. He ate bacon and bean tacos EVERY BREAKFAST, chili or peanut butter sandwich EVERY LUNCH, and chili or peanut butter sandwich EVERY SUPPER. Very monotonous, and worrisome as far as nutrients go.

Sept. 19. 2012...

B has been on Vitality for 2 months now, 6 weeks he has been on two pills a day. Tomorrow I'm starting him on three pills per day.

There have been a lot of changes this time. He had a few days of being difficult, as he always does before a big developmental jump. I decided not to go back to one pill, and let him get through and see what was on the other side. I'm glad I did, there was awesomeness on the other side!

1. He is trying more foods. He's eating apples, pancakes, french toast, hamburgers with pickles (never would eat either) , hot dogs, crunchy peanut butter, EGGS, lasagna, fish sticks, garlic bread, spaghetti, and LIKING it! He also tried, chicken nuggets, sun dried tomatoes, oranges, and broccoli. He didn't like those, but he tried. He is eating eggs every morning. It's awesome!

2. B is walking around the room aimlessly less and doing less self-talk. He is only walking with purpose now, and he still does the talking, but it's much less, and I can interrupt and he will give me his attention a lot of the time.

3. I'm having a much easier time getting him to do his schoolwork. He is getting much more work done, and understanding more. It's taking much less time to get him to understand a new concept than it did before. He's sitting for longer time periods.

4. He has been playing with Livvy and Tia. He has always played with them occasionally, but now it's daily, and multiple times a day. He is making up games, choreographing and putting on shows with them, and doing scavenger hunts with them.He is also playing upstairs in his room alone. He has never liked that. He will be up there for almost an hour sometimes, and I'll have to go check on him. He'll be up there putting a race track together, or playing something with his construction trucks.

5. He is more aware in general. He could be in the living room watching tv, and if I'm saying something in the kitchen, he will hear and chime in. He has never before cared about what I was saying to someone else! :)

6. He's more self-motivated. He gets up in the morning now and chooses his outfit for the day and puts it on, before even leaving his room. He is very aware of his hair, teeth, clothing, etc. Getting him ready to go somewhere is much, much easier.

7. He is losing weight. He is wearing shirts that he couldn't wear 6 months ago. Clothes that I was going to give away are fitting him.People are now noticing and asking me if he's lost weight. His fat to muscle ratio is changing. He is getting stronger, and has more endurance. His energy level has increased and he has much more stamina. His arms are swinging correctly when he walks.

New year, exciting changes

So, it's been roughly a year and a half since my last blog post, can we say flake? Really, there have been many changes, and to be honest, making a blog post didn't rank up in my list of priorities. :)

So, where to begin again? I'm going to start putting my journal entries in here about a new supplement that my son is taking. I have several friends asking about it, and this is easier than writing the same thing 50 times. Plus, more people can read it and more children can get it. It's called Vitality. I started taking it myself a little over 2 years ago. I have a few reviews on it from back then somewhere in here. I started B on Vitality on July 21, 2012.  I'll let the journal pick up from here...

Aug. 3rd, 2012...
B has been on Vitality for 2 weeks now, and there have been great changes. I will be taking him from 1 pill to 2 tomorrow, so this will be my record of changes with one pill. First, I noticed a change in eye contact. He is looking at me when I speak to him without me having to tell him to, or having to touch his chin. It's completely voluntary. Not 100 %, but sooo much more than before. One day, while talking with mama, he sat down with us and joined in. I was really surprised by that. A few minutes after he sat down, mama said "watch his eyes when we talk." I did. He was watching us when we spoke. His eyes were moving from one person to the other. He was actually paying attention and following the conversation. He also was jumping in and talking with us. I didn't realize that he had never done that before until then!
I asked Jason (my brother) for a list of what he has noticed, since he isn't with him all day every day. He said more eye contact, & more 2 way conversation voluntarily. He also noticed B following a conversation with his eyes.
This is very promising. I'm looking forward to starting him on 2 per day and see what happens.